الجمعة، 20 مايو 2016

Android N: What's new in Google's latest OS

Google also touted more powerful graphics. Game developers will be able to gain direct control of the device's GPU through a cross-platform 3D graphics API called Vulkan. This will allow developers to create better looking games with more high-end effects.
In addition, David Burke, VP of engineering for Android, highlighted an improved Android runtime that will result in apps that take up less space and install 75 percent faster, which should benefit those with lower-end devices. Android N will also include support for 72 new emojis, including better representations of woman working and skin tone variations.
Even with all of those new features, it doesn't really matter if most users never get them. While Google makes Android, it doesn't make the phones that use it. Instead, it relies on handset makers including Samsung, LG and HTC to make the hardware. But that means Google doesn't have the power to push out new versions of Android -- it's at the mercy of wireless carriers including Verizon and AT&T and device makers.
It's something critics call "fragmentation," and it's the reason why so many people are using older versions of Android. As of May, only 7.5 percent of Android users are using Marshmallow, the most current iteration. By comparison, 84 percent of Apple devices are on the latest version of its latest mobile software, iOS 9.
The next version of Android is slated to arrive on smartphones and tablets later this summer. A beta version will be available later today for Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6, Nexus 9 and Pixel C tablet owners to test

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